crafted by photobiz

About Us

Frank E King has been an acknowledged innovator and leader in the wedding industry for over 35 years.


Frank is a native of York County, PA , and began his photography career at the age of 15 as staff photographer for the William Penn Senior High School yearbook, The Tatler. He was introduced to the art of wedding photography by another school photographer whom he assisted for awhile, but within a year he was photographing complete ceremonies, formals and receptions on his own.


Frank King graduated from West Chester University and turned his attention to a teaching career -- with weekend wedding photography stints on the side. But after nearly a decade in the public school system, Frank decided to turn his full attention once again to his true professional calling: that of capturing the bride and groom on their happiest of days!


Over the intervening years, Frank King Photography has become synonymous with consistent, quality, high-end wedding work -- both photography and videography. Frank has expanded his services to encompass the needs of couples way beyond the borders of York, spending equal time in major cities and small towns throughout south central Pennsylvania and Baltimore County.